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Ernie Urdal
Ernie Urdal

February 2024
1 Thu G.V.C.of C - Membership 101
6 Tue G.V.C.of C - Essential Soft Skills Training (Micro-Certificate)
6 Tue G.V.C.of C - Engaged HR - Successful Interviewing Strategies - PART 1
6 Tue G.V.C.of C - Engaged HR - Successful Interviewing Strategies - PART 1
7 Wed G.V.C.of C - Engaged HR - Effective Workplace Communication
7 Wed G.V.C.of C - Hire a Co-op Student to Benefit Your Team
8 Thu G.V.C.of C - Victoria Conference Centre - Build Grow Thrive Event with Small Business BC
8 Thu G.V.C.of C - Engaged HR - Successful Interviewing Strategies - PART 2
13 Tue G.V.C.of C - Engaged HR - Understanding HR Legislation - PART 1
13 Tue G.V.C.of C - Engaged HR - Understanding HR Legislation - PART 1
14 Wed G.V.C.of C - Chamber Week Member Networking Breakfast @ Royal Roads
14 Wed G.V.C.of C - Chamber Week Member Networking Breakfast @ Royal Roads
15 Thu G.V.C.of C - Employer Engagement Breakfast and Forum
16 Fri G.V.C.of C - Reimagine Work - On the Menu: Leading Remote Teams
20 Tue G.V.C.of C - Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Ethical Communication Practices
20 Tue G.V.C.of C - WorkLink Employment Society & Camosun College - Women In Trades Virtual Info Session
22 Thu G.V.C.of C - Engaged HR - Advanced Workplace Communication
22 Thu G.V.C.of C - Diversity to Prosperity: Employing Newcomers in the Capital Region
22 Thu G.V.C.of C - HR at the Table: Understanding Pay Transparency
22 Thu G.V.C.of C - February Business Mixer
27 Tue G.V.C.of C - Getting Started with Performance Management - PART 1
29 Thu G.V.C.of C - Getting Started with Performance Management - PART 2
29 Thu G.V.C.of C - Employer Connect: From Jobs to Careers

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